the doctor. They diagnosed him and gave him two shots of antibiotics. In addition to the injections, he is also taking oral medications and regular doses of ibuprofen to reduce the swelling. He still can't move his arm well,

(This picture is not Jason, just a picture I found online. His isn't that swollen, but it's pretty bad.)
He is supposed to go to a preschool tomorrow and give children eye screenings, but that will be difficult to do without the use of his right arm. The mobility in Jason's arm is very limited, he can't even reach up and touch his own face. Because of that, he went back to the doctor today and they gave him two more shots, told him to continue on the antibiotics and ibuprofen, and they'd see him in a week. They also gave him a note to give to his professor, so hopefully he won't get much grief tomorrow at the school screenings.
Now to the Memphis Monday part... Unfortunately, we don't have doctor visits covered on our cheap insurance. The doctor saw Jason reviewing his pharmacology notes while he waited and asked what he was studying. When Jason told him he was going to optometry school, the doctor (Bless him!) told him he understood what it was like to be a starving student and didn't charge us for today's visit or the shots! So, yeah, there are kind doctors out here in Memphis, you just have to find them.