We bought Addie these stylin' specs a while ago, and she can't get enough of them! This is her sporting a "cheesy grin" for the camera.

This baby is coming in 3 WEEKS! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

Cute picture at the park.

Oh, on a whim we took Addie on a paddle boat yesterday (didn't have the camera) and found out they are tough! Addie loved it, but Jason and I were completely worn out by the end. It was a fun family activity, though, but not one I'd recommend at 8 months pregnant.
I can't believe it's only 3 weeks away! I'm so excited for you guys!
OOO I love the toe nails and the sunglasses she is so sweet!! Love you Addie!!!
Oh my goodness Jana, I just can't believe how adorable Addie is. I can't believe you are due so soon. I hope you have been feeling well. I sure do miss you (even though it may apear I am ignoring your phone calls).
Addie is so sweet! Cahmia still asks about you guys all the time. One day we will make it to Tennesse for a visit. Hopefully you will still be there. Good luck with the baby! It is not fair that you are so far away!
Love the glasses. Cute toes too!
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