Thursday, September 9

long overdue

Last month I lost our camera, which is also why I stopped blogging. Blogging without pictures is simply journaling, which I prefer to do in a journal. So, now that we have an AMAZING new camera, it's time to briefly update y'all.
Three weeks ago we moved into a house. A fabulous house with three bedrooms, none of which you have to trample through to get to the bathroom. Jason and I are happier, our kids are happier, and we are now determined to stay away from apartments at nearly all costs. The only downside? Roaches. Eeek! Oh well, maybe by the time we move in 8 months I'll have gained the courage to sweep them up myself. And did I mention the enormous kitchen this place comes with? I can't fill up all the cupboards, except with my children!
Can you tell how big this place is?

Unfortunately, the reason we were able to rent this house is because some of our best Memphis friends moved. Just today Addie said she was thankful for Corrine and Hailey during her lunch prayer. She's not the only one missing them, I assure you.
Jason started his first externship in Covington, TN, about a 45 min drive. He's enjoying feeling like a "real" doctor, and I'm enjoying being able to anticipate when he'll be home every day. It's fun to feel like a real family with a real job, even though there isn't any paycheck.

We're starting a mommy preschool next week with three other kids from church, and I know Addie is going to absolutely love it. She keeps asking me if she's going to be going to school with Heidi, my freind's daughter. She's so excited about school, and I'm looking forward to not only sending her, but teaching the class twice every month. It will be fun to get creative and involved. She has also perfected her dancing, we'll have to get a video up on here soon.

Addie singing to herself in the backyard. Yes, that's right, a BACKYARD!

Macie is finally walking! She's been taking steps for nearly a month, but will now walk more than half the time. She still falls a lot, but is mastering falling gracefully. It's about time, she's 15 months old! She is more territorial than Addie ever was (by that I mean she screams every time something is taken away from her, or she simply feels threatened by another kid that something will be taken), but is also very easy to smile. She loves lounging (sprawling out her entire body, usually accompanied by a sheepish grin) and playing with cell phones and remotes. We love getting to know her better every day. She is such a silly little kid.

As for me, I'm doing well. I get to take a nap nearly every afternoon, and have been able to keep up on the housecleaning. For me, that's pretty great. While this has been my most uncomfortable pregnancy by far, I can't complain. I've gained less weight this time (hurrah!) but am really annoyed because I can't jog anymore, it's just too painful. With Macie I was out jogging the day she was born! Oh well. I have a goal to walk 3 miles four times a week, which I've been fairly good at keeping, so hopefully I'll be able to stay in some kind of shape. This little guy is very active, doing flips and kicks all evening long. Hopefully he'll slow down once he's born, because I'm pretty nervous about having three active kids at home. When will I have time to read? Or, let's be honest, watch HGTV? :)

And this is our newest neighbor, Matt Hughes. Named after the UFC Fighter. I know you can't tell from this picture, but he's BIG. Really, really BIG. And we like him. He lives in our carport and comes out at night. We'd love to find out what kind of spider he is, we can't find him on the internet. Does anyone happen to know?


Gemarie said...

Wow ! Congrats amazing! The house looks amazing!! Girls are growing quickly! Glad to finally see posts!

Unknown said...

Yay! They're so big! And so is Matt Hughes! I can't wait to visit you guys and see your house!

Matt & Corrine said...

We miss you guys so much - and the house too! We really like this one, but there's something about that one that I really loved. I especially miss that kitchen!!! I really miss the running group too! Oh, and I don't know if I ever mentioned about the roaches - don't be fooled -just because they're on their back doesn't always mean they're dead. We kept a RAID can readily available (out of reach of little hands, of course). I found that putting a jar/cool whip container/bowl over them and scooping them up with a paper then flushing them down the toilet was less contact than grabbing them with a paper towel. I'm glad that Matt Hughes is still around. He likes to build huge webs between the lamppost and house too! We really want to to Skype soon!

Lisa said...

Finally being in a home has also been life changing for us. Can't believe you have made it this far. Jason is almost done. Hurray. Pay checks are nice but paying back loans and finding a job stinks. Love you guys.

Lisa said...

P.S. I have some books for you "Peter and the Star Catcher" and the "Hiding Place", which you have probably already read but if not it's good.

Sarah said...

Congratulations on the new place! House are nice, but backyards are even better! If we didn't have a backyard for Ethan to go out and run around in every day I think I would go nuts. And now Olivia loves to go out and wander around outside with him too (unfortunately she also likes to eat the dirt, grass, rocks etc).

Eva said...

Dad says it is a garden spider. Safe and very useful to keep the insects away!! Love you guys!!!

K.E.N said...

What kind of camera did you end up buying? You didn't even tell me you got one.

Rob, Adrienne, Sam, Ada and Tony said...

Congrats on having a house to stretch out in. How great! I'm sure your boy will be just as cute as your girls and just as busy too. PS Glad you got a new camera. Very exciting as well.

Wendy said...

Congrats! The girls are soooo BIG! I can't even believe it :) I'm excited to visit sometime soon! I don't know about roaches! Anyways when you get a chance can you email me your new address?? I have this box I’ve been meaning to send you since December! :/

Love you all!!

Trina said...

Hey Jana,
I read this post a while ago, and I'm am finally getting around to commenting. That is so awesome that your in a house, and that you get to see Jason more often. Home preschool are also the best. I hope that this pregnancy doesn't take too much out of you, but having three kids is so much fun, and so are little boys:). Oh and by the way, have a little obsession with spiders, and I spent a while trying to figure out what yours is. I think it is a spotted orb spider, but I'm not sure. You can Google it and look at pictures.
Can't wait to see more pictures of you cute little family with your new camera!

Zach and Nikky said...

AHHHH! I jumped when I saw that last picture! Why do you keep him around?! The house looks awesome with all your guys' stuff in it. :) We miss you guys! Hope everything is going well.

Anonymous said...
teen girls orgy teen alexia

J.B.D. Hair said...

Um I assume the last comment on here was spam, unless you guys started getting into that sort thing, lol!
