Thursday, November 8


Since we've moved to Tennessee Adelyn has been sleeping in our bed with us. I realize this is quite controversial, I've heard it all, but our experience with co-sleeping was very positive. I would recommend it to any mom who needs more sleep and any dad who is looking to better bond with his infant. (By the way, there is plentiful research to support co-sleeping--I've read it--and the research has not shown any ill effects toward social or cognitive development. It's quite wonderful!)

Anyhow... Jason and I, after much discussion, decided several weeks ago to move Addie into her crib. The biggest reason? We needed more alone time together. Ever since we decided to make the big bed/crib move, I've been SO WORRIED about it. I've read everything I can on how to make the transition easier, I've asked everyone I know about how they put their babies to bed, I've prayed and prayed and prayed! I don't quite know why this one simple thing caused me so much stress, but I was NOT looking forward to doing it.

Let's start at the end. On Monday we started putting her in her crib at night and it's been GREAT! She doesn't even cry when we put her down and she only wakes up once to eat. The whole thing has not been nearly as traumatic as I thought it would be. If you're interested on how we did it, read on.

1. SWADDLE. We had stopped swaddling a couple weeks after she was born because she didn't seem to like it, but after hearing my friend Shauna's success with swaddling, I gave it another go. Now when she's swaddled she takes the hint that it is time to sleep. Here's a shout-out to Shauna--you're a genius!
2. NAPTIME. About 3 weeks ago I started diligently putting Addie in her crib for her daily naps. I no longer just let her fall asleep wherever, she sleeps in her crib at naptime--the idea was to get her used to it. This wasn't my idea, someone suggested it on an online parenting website, and it seems to have worked!
3. ROUTINE. I read and heard over and over again that bedtime routines are critical. We never had one before, we just layed her down next to us when we were ready to sleep and she got snuggly and cozy and slept. Well, now I feed her, give her a little baby massage with some of that lavendar relaxing lotion (she LOVES it, she just smiles and coos the whole time), and then I put on her PJs, wrap her up, and rock her for awhile. When I see her eyelids start to get droopy I put her in her crib.
4. PATIENCE. I always put her in her crib when she's tired, but not asleep. This is to help her learn to put herself to sleep. But, unfortunately, this doesn't mean she falls asleep right away. After much reading and pondering and discussion, Jason and I decided we really aren't parents that can handle the "cry it out" approach. It just isn't for us. After I put her down, I sit there and read a book next to her bed, and if she gets a little fussy, I pat her and calm her down, but I don't pick her up. She hasn't ever full-on cried and the longest I've sat there is 20 minutes. Not bad!

Well, I'm proud of myself, as you can tell. I was so sure that the bed to crib transition would be horrific. It's only been 4 days, and I'm sure there will be some rocky nights ahead, but I'm happy with our results. The success that we've had reaffirmed something I already knew--by taking a little time to research and educate myself, presumably difficult tasks can be accomplished, and sometimes very easily! Who says learning ends when we stop attending school? I'm constantly learning new things about myself as I mother Addie every day!


Shannon said...

You go girl! Sounds like you've got the mothering thing down. :)

TrinaC said...

I love you. I knew you would be a great mother and Adelyn is so lucky. I'm glad you like sleeping with your baby too. I miss you and still wished you live close!

Tiff Rudd said...

Way to go Jana!! I am a research it out mom too - all the books and websites, and I think we get to be proud of ourselves sometimes! Thanks for the good sleep reminders too. Those are all things we did with Cameron, but I needed the reminder before baby #2! Keep up the great work as a mom!! Tiff

shauna said...

Good job! Your experience actually sounds like you had it easy. I totally support sitting in the room with her. Sometimes it may seem like a hassle (for example when The Office comes on in the next 5 mins!) But for the most part, it is actually nice to have that 1/2 hour of quiet time for the parent. I would write in my was very therapeutic.

Anonymous said...

I can tell what a great mom you are (no suprise there) just by all the energy you put into this. Addie sure is lucky.

First off- yeah for cosleeping! We sleep with Norah for part of the night and people certainly aren't afraid to give us a hard time about it.

Secondly- I totally agree, and also do with Norah, everything you are doing. The best part of having that kind of routine is that when you are traveling you can keep the routine the same and she'll know it is time for bed. When we swaddle Norah we cover her eyes with a burp rag because she gets distracted by looking at us otherwise. With her swaddled and eyes covered she can fall asleep anywhere! Wow, that's a long comment.

Will said...

Nice to know for 4 months down the road. Chaela took a nap with mommy and daddy this afternoon. It was nice!

Daniel Moroni Hair said...