Sunday, July 20

Mid-Year's Resolution!

I've been fighting it for some time, but I've decided I need to limit the amount of soda I drink. I am definitely addicted and my body feels like it needs a tune up, which I believe is directly correlated with how much soda I drink. I will miss your beautiful taste, Cherry Coca Cola Classic, but not your sticks and stones that break my bones...whatever that means.
I am going off the drink (ALL 'soda' or 'pop' or 'coke' or whatever else you may call it) for the rest of the year. That's right not a drop of the sweet nectar until January 1st 2009 when the clock strikes midnight. As motivation Jana has agreed to not eat any sweets, not even on holidays, for the same amount of time. Here goes!!


Bacchus Family said...

Hey Jana, how is it going (hi Tracy Bacchus- used to be Busath)? I just had a funny idea to help with your mid-year resolution. A lady in my ward does it with her daughter. Make your resolution a dog food bet. If you drink any soda or have any sweets you have to eat a can of dog food. They swear it works. Oh and Jason I will be happy to drink all the cherry coke and Pepsi I can to help you keep your resolution. Good luck!

Erica Yates said...

Dear Jason,

My world just came to an end.


Caitlyn said...

Good luck with that guys! I know I couldn't do it!

Jana said...

Hmm...the dog food bet sounds like a pretty good idea. Ick. We'll see. THIS IS GOING TO BE TOUGH!

Tiff Rudd said...

WOW! Good Luck you guys! Can I be there if one of you has to eat dog food? :)

THE BLAIRS said...

you go girl!

Justin said...

Are Coke Slurpies allowed? I think you should allow yourself a little freedom in regards to Coke Slurpies, because those are heavenly. Also, perhaps you could allow yourself a coke just at restaurants. That's what I tell myself.

Jason said...

Yeah Coke slurpies are allowed, thank you for the idea--I need something to keep me connected to that world.

shauna said...

I want to be there to see you eat dog food, too. But I am hoping that your resolution will get ben to quit drinking soda, too. When he drinks soda a lot he ends up feeling sick, telling me he needs to quit, stopping for a week, then starts it up again!

Jacob said...

Wow Jason that's pretty big. I did it for about 3 months. I lost 20 lbs.

Then I went to Mexico. It has all gone downhill from there.

shauna said...

Hey Jana, can i get in on this? I have felt motivated by you. All I could think of last night was how I could never eat a can of dog food. If that was the consequence then I would gladly give up sweets. Dog food would stop me from eating sweets. So, I started today.

Jana said...

Of course you can get in on the dog food bet with us! If, perhaps, we end up needing a can of dog food, I get plenty of coupons for it! Haha!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the resolution guys! One time (a Sunday afternoon) I decided to give up Dr. Pepper, but it only lasted until the next day when of course I REALLY needed one!