Wednesday, February 13

So many blogs

Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the amount of friends' blogs there are to read. I have to limit myself to only 3 or 4 per day, because I could spend hours going through them all. I love knowing what's going on in my friends' lives, though, don't get me wrong, but the sheer quantity of them is staggering. Does anyone else ever feel that way?


us*limes said...

you are just the fortunate holder of so many friendships that you can't keep up in a normal days time.
i think it is a good thing. lucky you.

Kari said...

Hi, Jana!
I totally understand the "sheer quantity" comment, not that I have so many blogging friends, but often there are so many pressing issues that I feel like there is just plain not enough minutes in the day to accomplish what needs to be done.

Now, finally, I have seen your blog and I just caught up with your life for the past 2 months! Your baby is adorable. The pics with the shirt on her head are priceless. Sorry about the gall bladder...that sounds very very terrible.

Have a good week! Love, Kari Whitesell