Monday, October 15

great news!

Adelyn rolled over today for the first time! I put her on her stomach for her daily dose of "tummy time" (which she normally hates) and she lifted her head up, looked at me with eyes that said "here I go!" and flipped over onto her back. It was great. At first I thought it was one of those random things, so I put her back on her stomach and she did it again and again. After 3 times though, tummy time was over and the crying began. But still, it was so fun to see! She even did it for Jason when he got home from school. Awww...our little one is growing up. **sniff sniff**


insi said...

she is the cutest baby roller!

BlueAdagio said...

Aww...that is soooo cute...I want more pictures!

I'm so happy for you J.

Daniel Moroni Hair said...